Abidin Dino Archive | SSM

Abidin Dino

About the Archive

Generously donated to the SSM by Abidin Dino's wife, Güzin Dino, in 2007, the Abidin Dino Archive stands as a repository of the artist's life and creative output, offering invaluable insights into his artistic journey and the socio-political landscape of his era. Born in 1913, Abidin Dino was a multi-disciplinary artist and cultural luminary. Bearing witness to the tumultuous 20th century, including the upheavals of World War II, he channeled his myriad experiences into words, lines, colors, and forms, leaving a lasting legacy in disciplines such as painting, literature, illustration, caricature, ceramics, sculpture, and cinema. Comprising a diverse array of materials, including correspondence, photographs, article drafts, and meticulously preserved newspaper clippings, the Abidin Dino Archive invites visitors to delve into the intricate tapestry of influences that shaped Dino's work and the vibrant cultural ambiance of his time. The research and translation process for the full archive is ongoing. At this stage, selected photographs are available for access. This rich collection, promising new discoveries upon completion, is accessible via digitalSSM. For details regarding the transcription and translation of the archive’s contents for research, educational, or publication purposes, please contact the museum at digitalssm@sabanciuniv.edu.
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