Conservation | SSM


Conservation Laboratory

Sakıp Sabancı Museum considers conservation conditions while presenting its collections to visitors and researchers. All of the works in the collection are displayed in detail and transferred to digital media, while providing access to the user from anywhere in the world, the works continue to remain in physical preservation environments.

Click here to access the collection's images and catalog information.

Preventive Conservation

The conservation department of Sakıp Sabancı Museum affiliated to the Sabancı University works in cooperation with the Museum’s curatorial departments in order to preserve the collections there of. Sakıp Sabancı Museum’s laboratory is one of the first Turkish conservation laboratories focusing on paper. While the Museum was being founded, the laboratory was established for the conservation and restoration of the Arts of the Book and Calligraphy Collection. Later its function was expanded to encompass the preservation of painting, stonework and furniture collections as well. The laboratory is endowed with all the equipment needed for paper and book conservation and restoration.

Scientific Researchs

Sakıp Sabancı Museum benefits from the cooperation of faculties and research centers of Sabancı University to whom it is affiliated in its scientific research. The equipment at Sabancı University’s Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences and Nanotechnology Research and Application Center contribute to conservation research and development, while the interlibrary loan system at the University’s Information Center enables access to all relevant publications. Elemental analysis, organic structure analysis and imaging are some of the methods used in scientific research.

Scientific Publications

14 October 2019

A Comparative Chemometric Study of Osman Hamdi Bey’s Paintings

Gülsu Şimşek, Filiz Kuvvetli, Lynn Lee, Nurçin Kural Özgörüş
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10 Ekim 2017

Analysis of Deterioration Phenomena in a Koran by Nineteenth Century Ottoman Calligrapher Mehmed Şevki

Nurçin Kural Özgörüş, Cüneyt H. Ünlü, Orhideja Grupče, Feray Bakan, Meltem Sezen
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14 October 2019

Analysis of 6 Canvases from Osman Hamdi Bey’s Paintings Using PCA on FTIR-ATR data

Cüneyt H. Ünlü, Filiz Kuvvetli, Hüma Arslaner
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14 October 2019

Analysis of Pigments on a 19th Century Calligrapher’s Box

Meltem Sezen, Feray Bakan, Filiz Kuvvetli, Gülsu Şimşek, Barış Yağcı, Ayşe Aldemir Kilercik
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14 October 2019

The Preservation of Ottoman Manuscripts

Nurçin Kural Özgörüş
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