1 June 2022
A Portrait of Passion and Resistance: David Hockney
A Portrait of Passion and Resistance: David Hockney
Image: David Hockney, Nichols Canyon, 1980, acrylic on canvas, 213.4 x 152.4 cm.
The works of David Hockney, who is considered one of the most significant and creative artists of our time, are exhibited in Turkey for the first time with the exhibition The Arrival of Spring, Normandy, 2020 hosted by the Sakıp Sabancı Museum. The exhibition, which comprises the iPad paintings that he produced at his house in Normandy during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic; hosts events that shed light on the art of Hockney, who has been drawing with iPhone and iPad since the 2000s and has always searched for new technologies and methods throughout his long career. Prof. Esra Aliçavuşoğlu Karaveli, who works in the fields of Western art, contemporary art and contemporary art museums, will deliver a conference talk titled ‘A Portrait of Passion and Resistance: David Hockney’ as a part of the exhibition.
The works of David Hockney, who is considered one of the most significant and creative artists of our time, are exhibited in Turkey for the first time with the exhibition The Arrival of Spring, Normandy, 2020 hosted by the Sakıp Sabancı Museum. The exhibition, which comprises the iPad paintings that he produced at his house in Normandy during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic; hosts events that shed light on the art of Hockney, who has been drawing with iPhone and iPad since the 2000s and has always searched for new technologies and methods throughout his long career. Prof. Esra Aliçavuşoğlu Karaveli, who works in the fields of Western art, contemporary art and contemporary art museums, will deliver a conference talk titled ‘A Portrait of Passion and Resistance: David Hockney’ as a part of the exhibition.
The conference talk will focus on the fundamental principles that shaped David Hockney’s art practice from its early days to present; dealing with how the cultural climate and developments in London’s 1960s decade is reflected in his works. Throughout his long artistic career, Hockney has reflected all kinds of materials, all kinds of subjects, all kinds of innovations in his art. In a way, he never lost his passion. His strength to make art has never been broken. The conference will treat the subject through a study of his various works.
The event will be held in Turkish. Registration required.
Days and Tickets
Konferans - Tutkunun ve Direncin Portresi: David Hockney
Konuşmacı: Esra Aliçavuşoğlu
1 Haziran Çarşamba, 17.00
1 Haziran Çarşamba, 17.00
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